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Seattle Post-Intelligencer
June 20, 2003
Cobra Verde

Cobra Verde - muy caliente
Trends are funny. Now that rock is back in vogue, we're being deluged by a glut of new bands playing the kind of straight-ahead rock 'n' roll that's been rehashed regularly since the 1960s and '70s - with little to differentiate the newcomers from their heroes, except for, perhaps, an obvious artificial rock 'n' roll heart. Witness Capitol's newest "hit-makers," the Star Spangles. Who are these people? And what have they done to earn a well-funded major label record other than look the part? If you've noticed, road warrior Cobra Verde, which plays the Crocodile Cafe on Tuesday supplemented by guest guitarist J. Mascis (9 p.m.; $8), is still unsigned. This Cleveland band - led by vocalist/guitarist and one-time Guided by Voices member John Petkovic - has spent its entire career knockin' 'em down in the bars with an arena-ready rock 'n' roll that's not only serviceable, but downright satisfying. And here the band comes again, with all guts and little glory, back with another heroic effort titled "Easy Listening." Cobra Verde outdoes itself (not to mention the competition) on every album and sometimes every show (depending on the band's alcohol intake), and for what? For itself, and the dedicated few who can appreciate the real thing.


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