Here are a few of our favorite things:
Name: Mark
Plays: Drums.
First show ever: 4th grade Christmas Concert. Solo snare drum while the
choir sang "Little Drummer Boy."
First job: Drum Tech for John Bonham.
Song I would listen to if crashing in a plane: "Planet Queen" by T. Rex.
Cats or dogs: Cats.
Best concert: AC/DC.
Last meal I would choose: My mother's lasagna.
If you see me out and about, buy me: Vodka &
tonic with lime (or a cheap beer if you're a tightwad).
Favorite books: My crazy Robert Aickman collection.
Favorite flicks: "Rear Window," "Metropolis," "This is Spinal Tap," "The Godfather,"
"Ghost World," "Airplane!" "Jacob's Ladder," "Donny Darko," "Dead Man," "Ghost Dog."
Childhood hobbies: Music, art, models, rockets, baseball, mini-bikes, fire.
Something you don't know about me: I can read upside-down and/or backwards.
Favorite song lyric: "Rock and Roll's a loser's game" / Ian Hunter (Ballad
Of Mott The Hoople).
Greatest irrational fear: Catheterization.
Sign in the Zodiac: Libra.
Favorite junk food: Pizza.
Words to live by: "If it ain't broke, BREAK IT."