Here are a few of our favorite things:
Name: Frank
Plays: Guitar.
First show I ever played: A backyard biker barbecue in Canton, Ohio.
First job: Dishwasher at a Chinese restaurant.
Song I would listen to if crashing in a plane: "Batman" theme.
Cats or dogs: Once took in a cute little stray kitten who was viciously
murdered by the next door neighbor's Siamese cat three days later. Horrible,
but true.
Best concert: Curtis Mayfield at the now defunct Front Row Theater.
Last meal I would choose: If I knew it would be my very last meal I don't
think I could really enjoy it, so I would probably just opt for a handful of
If you see me out and about, buy me:Jack Daniels, up.
Favorite books: "Of Human Bondage," "Brave New World," "The Oxford English
Favorite flicks: "The Godfather," "Angels With Dirty Faces," "Night of the
Hunter," "Dr. Strangelove."
Childhood hobbies: Climbing trees while pretending to be a superhero I'd
created called "Squirrel-man."
Something you don't know about me: I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Favorite song lyric: "To live outside the law you must be honest" (Bob
Dylan, "Absolutely Sweet Marie").
Greatest irrational fear: When I was a kid and I saw "The Exorcist" for the first time, I developed a fear of being posessed by the devil. Although I'm older now and only mildly superstitious, the idea still haunts me every so often.
Sign in the Zodiac: Capricorn.
Favorite junk food: For greasy, heartburn-inducing junk food, I dig pizza with
anchovies and onions. As for sweet stuff, there's this relatively new candy
bar made by Reese's called "Fast Break," which is like a cross between a
peanut butter cup and a Snicker's bar. It's now the only candy bar I ever
Words to live by: "If it ain't broke, it probably will be soon enough."